Indonesian Handline Tuna – MSC


Indonesia’s first Marine Stewardship Council (MSC) certified fishery

In 2010, Anova enrolled its Indonesian handline Yellowfin tuna (Thunnus albacares) fishery in a Fisheries Improvement Program (FIP) with the goal of becoming Marine Stewardship Council (MSC) certified. Our main implementing partner is MDPI, a non-profit organization leading sustainability improvements in small-scale fisheries in Indonesia. On the ground, activities include awareness campaigns on sustainable fisheries and marine conservation, data collection in cooperation with local suppliers and fishermen, and engagement with national government fisheries authorities. Supported by other partners including AP2HI, IPNLF, WWF Indonesia and MMAF, this initiative focused on developing the following activities within the FIP:

  • A robust port sampling program
  • Provincially based co-management initiatives
  • Harvest strategy development workshops

Through this dedicated, collaborative effort, the Fishing & Living initiative has supported significant improvements in the Eastern Indonesian small-scale handline yellowfin tuna fishery. Additionally, industry partners are also engaging in improvements related to supply chain transparency and traceability, allowing consumers to know exactly where their tuna is coming from. 

After a decade of dedicated support, most of Anova’s Indonesian handline Yellowfin tuna (Thunnus albacares) fishery was MSC certified in 2020, meeting stringent social and environmental standards.


Latest MSC scores and progress

Latest scores and progress can be found on the FIP’s profile on the platform by clicking here.